Protectors of Public Lands

Protectors of Public Lands (Victoria) Inc

The Protectors of Public Lannds (Victoria) is a coalition of community action groups and environmental organisations, whose charter is to protect and preserve significant public lands in public ownership for present and future generations.

Significant public land, once sold, is land lost to the people forever. When governments sell land that is of significance or value to the people, they are also selling our children’s future. Governments shall not be allowed to act in this way.

The public, as represented by community groups and environmental organisations, being concerned at the alienation of significant public lands, has resolved to come together and form a coalition with the following Charter.

PO Box 197  Parkville 3052 | View Map
 Telephone: 9818 4114 mobile 0408 022408

2pm Sunday 28 October in RMIT Building 80 Room 7 at 445 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Protectors of Public Lands (Victoria) Inc is pleased to write in support of a State Election Forum being sponsored by a collection of resident action groups.  Invited are Ministers from the Labor and Liberal Parties with portfolio responsibilities for Planning; Attorney General-General, Public Transport and Local Government, as well as Dr Samantha Ratnam MLC, Greens Party President.

It will include a Q&A session

Protectors of Public Lands (Victoria) Inc   ph 0409742927