To contact the Planning Reference Group:
* CRA planning objections and Submissions – Find the details here
* Find the monthly reports to the Committee here.
* Summary of Edited town planning applications relevant to 3053 can be found here
The Planning Committee meets monthly to review town planning applications relevant to postcode 3053, and to decide whether or not the CRA should lodge objections. Generally objections relate to non–compliance, erosion of amenity, height, heritage, Design Overlay. When required, the committee writes formal objections and prepares briefs for CRA submissions to VCAT.
In addition you can:
Subscribe to weekly Planning alerts:
Access the ‘Town Planning Permits Register:
Addressing Planning issues that may affect you! Access the information here
Amendment C380: Zoning corrections of public open space and anomalies in the Planning Scheme
This amendment is required to ensure the zoning correctly identifies the existing use of land as open space or other uses.
Read the CRA submission here
Read the CRA submission to Future Melbourne Committee (FMC) 18 May 2021 Agenda Item 6.5 here
Development Threatens Parkland Amenity
Amendment C278 Sunlight to Parks
As our city grows and the scale of developments increases, we need to plan for the future. The CoM has prepared Amendment C278 to the Melbourne Planning Scheme and has undertaken a review of the Sunlight to Public Spaces Local Policy, in an attempt to address this issue.
Although the CRA supports reduced shading on our public parks, squares etc, we believe that there are major problems with this Amendment and have lodged a submission highlighting them.
Read the CRA submission here
Heritage – visit the Heritage Page for information on:
World Heritage Environs Area updates
National Trust Advocacy Toolkit
Heritage Policy Review
Heritage Places Inventory
Carlton Inn/Corkman
Other planning issues:
The Old Royal Womens Hospital Site
The Future:
The University of Melbourne and the Carlton Connect Initiative
Subsequent to the University of Melbourne acquiring the Grattan Street site of the former Royal Women’s Hospital, the University announced plans to redevelop the site for the Carlton Connect Initiative, details of which are available at
The site was rezoned by the state government from a Public Use to a Capital City Zone, and a development plan was conceived. This plan included the adaptive reuse of the existing 3AW building supplemented with other new buildings.
Subsequent planning [Helicopter Flight path clearance requirements] and commercial considerations resulted in a revised philosophy whereby all the existing buildings would be demolished and replaced by a new development.
Read the latest information here.
Read the CRA Response to the proposal here
The History:
Submission guidelines for Amendment C173
Planning Panel Recommendations Full Planning Panel Report

New Residential Zones
March 2016:The current government promised to review the new residential zones imposed shortly before it was elected. The body responsible for undertaking the review is the ‘Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee’
CRA lodged a submission in for the Committee to consider.
Read the CRA Submission here
August 2014: Click here to read the CRA submission on this Amendment, C179
Planning Amendent C196
Capital City Zone Rights
Good News!
Passed by CoM but what is next?