Forward Planning

The CRA Forward Planning Working Group is facilitating a plan to guide and stimulate CRA activity with a 2016-2018 time frame.
The draft plan was presented at the AGM in February 2017. Access it below.

Draft Medium Term plan for CRA

The plan will support and build CRA’s capacity to achieve agreed goals and be flexible to respond to emerging issues.
We’ve listened to our members and the broader community and surveyed CRA members to better understand their strengths and interests and interviewed key stakeholders in Carlton. We’ve engaged with members of the broader community through Harmony Day and the KSLCC (Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre) first birthday.
The planning process is looking at ways of strengthening CRA’s current good work in areas such as opposing inappropriate development but will also be exploring CRA members’ interest in any new priorities.
In the short term a small and beautiful promotional brochure has been developed that engages people through their love of Carlton. This has been placed at the KSLCC, Carlton Baths, and the Tennis Club. Please be in touch if you know of other strategic locations to place the brochure.
After a second round of consultations the working group will facilitate meetings as part of the strategic planning process. Please be in touch if you’d like more information or to be involved in any way.
Expressions of interest are sought from CRA members to join this group.
For further information about the Forward Planning Working Group email: