For recent status of the Town Planning Applications listed below, refer to Cumulative list of Town Planning Applications here
* 377-391 Cardigan Street Carlton 3053-TP-2014-1011/D 15 May 2023
The application is to amend the permit and plans to allow use of part of the site as a function centre, buildings and works, including partial demolition and alterations to construct a double storey addition and rooftop.
CRA submits that the proposed changes to 377-391 Cardigan Street (Clyde Hotel) is inappropriate for this site and does not take into account the number of residents that live in close proximity to the site and in particular residents that live across the road in Cardigan Street. Accordingly, the CRA submits that the permit application should be refused.
Read CRA Objection here
*1-23 RathdowneStreet, Carlton-TP-2022-245 8 August 2022
The application is for demolition of the existing buildings; construction of a multi-storey development for use as dwellings, office and food and drink premises; exceed the maximum car parking rate under the Parking Overlay |
The Association believes that the proposed building is totally inappropriate for this area and does not comply with the Melbourne Planning Scheme. Accordingly, the CRA submits that the permit application should be refused. In our view there are several strategies, objectives and Design and Development Overlay guidelines that would not be satisfied.
Read CRA Objection here
The Applicant appealed to VCAT.The hearing 16 to 31 October, 2023 P1498/2022
Read CRA VCAT submission here View the power point presentation here
Read the VCAT determination here
*186-190 Lygon Street, Carlton-TP-2022-195 21 July 2022
Partial demolition and construction of a multi level commercial building and waiver of car parking requirements.
CRA believes the development is unsympathetic to the area in several ways and therefore inappropriate.
Read the CRA Objection here
The Developers have submitted revised plans
Read the CRA updated objection here
* 6-10 MacArthur Place North, Carlton-TP-2022-229 19 September 2022
Resubmission of CRA objection TP-2020-533
CRA considers that the changes made to this proposal, since its last refusal by both City of Melbourne and VCAT in 2020, are relatively insignificant and do not adequately address the concerns expressed by CRA in the objections to the previous two applications.
As a consequence, CRA again objects to the application, based on the grounds detailed in the previous objection attached below.
* 6-10 MacArthur Place North, Carlton-TP-2020-533 23 September 2020
This application is seeking approval for the partial demolition of three existing dwellings, alterations and additions to the existing buildings including a three-storey rear addition with basement parking for the purpose of three dwellings.
In March 2018 CRA lodged an objection to a previous proposal for this site.
[Refer to TP-2018-59- 07 March 2019 below].The CoM refused a permit for this application, the Applicant appealed the decision, a March 2019 VCAT hearing resulted in a September decision which supported the CoM refusal. CRA did not attend the VCAT hearing, however we joined a group of residents who were represented by a town planner.
Despite an attempt to address some aspects of the previous proposal . which were criticised, CRA Is of the opinion that this proposal is also inappropriate.
Read CRA Submission here
* 121-131 Cardigan St, Carlton – TP – 2018 – 787 7 January 2020
This is a 10 storey plus development proposed for this site which has a preferred limit of 4 storeys over most of the site.
The CRA supports the redevelopment of this site for educational and retail purposes, but has concerns, especially regarding the scale and form of the development, which results in a massive over-development of the subject site.
Read CRA objection here
* 150-154 Pelham Street, Carlton – TPM-2019-19 and PA1900614 8 October 2019
The application seeks approval for a full demolition of the buildings to the south of Little Pelham Street, partial demolition of the buildings to the north of Little Pelham Street and construction of a new building with two basement levels, an eight storey ‘podium’ and a five storey ‘tower’. The land is located within the Capital City Zone Schedule 5 (CCZ5) and is affected by Heritage Overlay (HO1121), Design and Development Overlay Schedule 61 Area 4.1 (DDO61-A4.1) and Parking Overlay (Schedule 1). DDO61-A4.1 seeks preferred built form specific to buildings fronting Pelham, Bouverie and Leicester Streets of a maximum building height of 40m.
Read CRA submission here
* 16-20 & 22 Drummond Street, Carlton -TP-2018-892 24 December 2018
The proposed development is for a 6 storey (approx 20.5m) building, which exceeds the two prevailing height controls of 10m and 13.5 m by a wide margin.
CRA believes that this proposal is inappropriate within the heritage streetscape and its proximity of the Royal Exhibition Building, and that this will create a precedent for the low scale eastern corner of Carlton.
After a serious letterbox drop by CRA and neighbours, CRA was joined by 45 other residents/neighbours in lodging objections with the CoM.
However, the Applicant initiated a VCAT appeal in the absence of a determination by the CoM within the prescribed 60 days.The resulting compulsory conference produced a partial settlement whereby 10 of the 29 objector parties to the hearing agreed not to contest the application if the applicant were to reduce the scale of the development by removing one level of basement, the top level of apartments and reduce the footprint of the next lower level of apartments.
Both the CoM and the remaining objectors, including CRA, supported these changes, however they also agreed to remain parties to the hearing to contest other serious issues relating to excessive demolition, heritage and other miscellaneous issues.
The hearing was held 12 August to 16 August 2019.
The VCAT determination was handed down on 30 September 2019 – no permit was granted.
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA VCAT Submission here
Read the VCAT determination here
*66 Palmerston Street, Carlton – TP-2018-510 16 October 2018
This application proposed partial demolition and construction of new addition to an existing dwelling in an heritage overlay.
CRA submits that the proposed development will create overshadowing issues for the adjacent public parkland and that the prominence of eastern elevation viewed from the Palmerston/Canning Street will be problematic.
CoM issued permit, negligible concession to CRA concerns.
Read CRA objection
*23-31 Lincoln Square South, Carlton – TP-2018-449 25 September 2018
The proposed development seeks to construct an additional 9 storeys above an existing 5 storey heritage graded building.
CRA submits that the facade treatment proposed is inappropriate in respect of the heritage guidelines.
It also exceeds the preferred maximum height by 2 storeys and there are boundary setback issues.
An addendum to the objection, addressing an urban design issue was also lodged.
CoM issued permit with conditions which partly addressed CRA concerns, including the removal of the top two storeys.
Read CoM Delegates Report
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA Objection Addendum
*19 Owen Street, Carlton – TP-2018-228 09 July 2018
This application proposes the partial demolition and alterations to an existing dwelling and the construction of new additions.
CRA submits that the street edge condition proposed is inconsistent with that presented by the existing heritage graded streetscape.
A second objection was lodged after the Applicant submitted a revised design.
CoM issued permit, negligible concession to CRA concerns.
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA Objection revised plan 2
*172-174 Faraday Street, Carlton (Carlton Wine Room) – TP-2006-92C 15 June 2018
The Carlton Wine room has applied to have trading hours extended from 11.00pm to 1.00am and increase the number of patrons permitted from 108to 150. This is in a General Residential Zone 1 (GRZ1).
CoM issued an amended permit granting concessions being sought.
Read CRA Objection
Read COM Notice of Decision to Amend Permit
Read CoM NOD to grant Permit
*195-197 Palmerston Street, Carlton – TP-2017-637 12 April 2018
This application proposes the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a new three storey dwelling. CRA submits that the Palmerston Street elevation fails to respond appropriately to the heritage attributes of the adjoining heritage dwelling to the east and should be modified.
CoM response to the application was negative, however Applicant appealed to VCAT on grounds of no decision within the statutory 60 days. VCAT subsequently issued a permitfor a proposal with only minor changes.
Read CRA Objection
* 6-10 MacArthur Place North, Carlton – TP-2018- 59 07 March 2018
This application proposes partial demolition of existing three dwellings and construction of three storey additions at the rear plus a roof top terrace and a two level basement car-park. CRA submits that this fails to respond to the heritage attributes of the area, is excessively visible from the surrounding streets and has car parking issues.
CoM refused to grant permit. Applicant appealed decision.
CRA lodged a written submission with VCAT electing not to appear. Awaiting hearing outcome,
As at June 2019 the VCAT hearing was complete but the determination was still awaited.
The VCAT determination was handed down 11 September 2019. No permit was granted
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM refusal to grant permit
Read the VCAT determination here
* 498-504 Swanston St, Carlton TP-2017-828 05 Jan 2018
500 Swanston Street (previously CFMEU Offices)
The proposed development on this site is seeking to construct 1 eighteen and seventeen storeys where the currenr DDO’s have preferred heights of nine and eight storeys respectively. Needless to say CRA considers the heights proposed are excessive. Other issues relating to boundary setbacks, inadequate provision for bicycles and staff carparking,etc.
This application is now the subject of a VCAT hearing initiated by the Applicant on the grounds that CoM failed to make a determination within the prescribed 60 days. CRA attended the practice day hearing on 16 Mar and the relevant compulsory conference is scheduled for 8 May and hearing 27June.
A permit was issued by VCAT as a result of the compulsory conference resulting in a reduction in height of 2 storeys, minor changes to set boundary backs and other internal changes.
Read CRA Objection
Read VCAT Order issuing permit
* 179 Grattan Street, Carlton – TP-2016-903 21 December 2017
This application proposes eight storeys plus a roof top terrace in an area predominately consisting of one and two storey terrace houses.
CRA submits that this fails to respond to the key heritage attributes of this section of Grattan Street.
CoM has refused a permit.
Initially the Applicant appealed CoM refusal to grant a permit but subsequently withdrew the appeal from VCAT.
The CoM refusal to issue a permit holds.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM refusal to grant permit
*47-49 Nicholson St – TP-2017- 714 12 October 2017
Partial demolition of existing building and construction of new additions to create 3 dwellings. CRA believes that. although the eastern section of the proposal is appropriate, the western portion is not respectful of the adjoining heritage streetscape.
A revised design was submitted by the Applicant, which largely addressed CRA concerns.
CoM subsequently issued a NOD to grant a permit
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM NOD to grant a permit
*131-133 Station St – TP-2017- 380 11 October 2017
Demolish existing dwelling and construct 2 new dwellings. CRA believes that the architectural treatment of the proposed development is intrusive in this level 2 heritage streetscape.
The conditions proposed by the CoM NOD to issue a permit partially address CRA concerns.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM NOD to grant permit
*288-290 Drummond St – TP-2017- 274 4 October 2017
Demolish existing building and construct 4 apartments (3 storeys) CRA believes that the architectural treatment of the proposed building does not respect the adjoining heritage streetscape.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to grant permit
*6 O’Connell Lane – TP-2017- 651 4 October 2017
Two additional storeys to existing two storey dwelling. Exceeds the DDO 8m height limit and creates amenity issues for the adjoining property.
A revised proposal submitted by the Applicant substantially addressed CoM and CRA concerns and a permit was issued by CoM
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM NOD to grant permit
* 623-645 Swanston St. TP-2017-761 03 October 2017
This is Lincoln House owned by Melbourne University. It is proposed to demolish existing heritage buildings on Swanston Street and construct new 4, 10 and 14 storey student accommodation.
The Applicant made several changes to the proposed design which partly addressed CRA and Resident’s concerns.
CoM issued NOD to grant a permit
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM NOD to grant a permit
* 4-12 Leicester Place – TP-2017- 616 29 August 2017
Demolish existing building and construct a 15 storey residential hotel.
CoM issued permit. This is Capital City Zoning with limiting 3rd party objection rights and has produced a disappointing outcome.
Read CoM Delgates Report
Read CRA Objection
*368-386 Lygon St – TP-2017- 486 (Lygon Court) 15 August 2017
Alterations to Lygon St facade, which CRA believes will detract from the adjoining heritage streetscape.
Read CRA Objection
* Royal Exhibition Building 10 July 2017
Museum Victoria has applied for a Heritage Victoria Permit to carry out works associated with the Federal Government $20 m grant announced in 2012.
CRA has lodged a submission commenting on the proposal to include a new Pavilion on the lower promenade deck.
Read CRA Submission
* 198-208 Queensberry St – TP-2017-85 8 June 2017
Partial demolition of existing building and construction of 15 storey student accommodation. CRA has concerns relating to heritage and over development.
CoM processing.
Read CRA objection
* 198-204 Faraday St. TP-1998-331/A: (Crinitis) 7 June 2017
Seeking to amend a 1998 permit to allow the installation of external speakers.
CRA lodged an objection on amenity grounds, similar to that relating to at Pidapipo Gelateria at 299 Lygon St. (TP-2017-83)
Read CRA Objection
* 232-234 Faraday St – TP-2016-1128 16 May 2017
Partial demolition of existing dwellings and the construction of a new 3 storey and basement for use as restaurant and dwellings. [This site is zoned residential]. CRA’s concerns relate to compatibility of use and heritage issues.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to grant permit
* 123-135 Bouverie St – TP-2017-188 12 May 2017
A 13 storey development for use as student accommodation. CRA’s concerns relate to height, heritage and student amenity.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to grant permit
* 121-131 Cardigan St – TP-2016-1047 5 April 2017
A 4 to 10 storey proposal. CRA’s concerns relate to the height of the 10 storey section, solar access to the lower south facing open spaces.
Applicant has appealed to VCAT on the grounds that CoM has failed to make a decision within the prescribed time. CRA lodged a submission with VCAT but will not be participating.
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA Statement of Grounds to VCAT
* 191-197 Grattan St – TP-2017-64 – (Prince Alfred Hotel) 3 April 2017
Partial demolition, buildings and works to the existing building with a resultant increase in floor area, display of business identification signage and waiver of the loading bay and bicycle parking. CRA’s concerns relate to heritage and sustainability issues.
An amended proposal submitted by the applicant generally addressed CRA’s concerns.
CRA withdrew the objection. A permit was issued.
Read CRA Objection
* 299 Lygon Street – Pidapipo Gelateria – TP-2017-83 20 February 2017
The City of Melbourne has received an application to install outdoor speakers at the above address.
Carlton Residents Association believes that the playing of amplified music outside a business premises in Lygon Street is inappropriate and detracts from the quiet enjoyment of food and associated socialising that much of Lygon Streets outdoor area is used for.
Read CRA Objection
* 10 Magenta Pl – TP-2016-1031 3 February 2017
Change of use from warehouse. Amended application lodged reducing the proposal from 6 to 5 storey residential development.
CRA concerned that it exceeds the DDO maximum height of 4 storeys, is an over development of the site and has setback and over shadowing issues.
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA Amended Objection
Read CRA submission to Future Melbourne Committee
* 377-391 Cardigan St – TP-2014-1011/A 7 December 2016
The Clyde Hotel, proposes to construct a roof top bar. CRA sought permit conditions addressing trading hours, outdoor live music, an acoustic report and a site management plan.
CoM issued permit. The attached conditions largely addressed objector’s concerns.
Read CRA Objection
* 10 &12 Drummond Place – TP-2016-864 6 December 2016
Construct 2 new dwellings on vacant land. CRA has concerns relating to urban design and heritage issues.
CoM issued permit for amended application which largely addressed objectors concerns
Read CRA Objection
* 220-234 Leicester St /197-235 Bouverie St – TP-2016-798 23 November 2016
‘Graduate House’ The proposal is to redevelop most of the site, demolishing a large proportion of the terrace housing fronting Leicester St and construct a 12 storey building at the rear. CRA is of the opinion that the demolition is excessive, the proposed 12 stories to the rear is an over development of the site and the facade treatment is unsympathetic to the heritage precinct.
Read CRA Objection
* 163-165 Canning St – TP-2016-510 22 September 2016
Demolition of 2 terrace houses and construction of 2 new dwellings. CRA requested that the CoM commission a heritage report to assess the impact on the existing streetscape.
CoM issued permit determining that the proposed development was generally compliant with the performance standards of Clause 22.05 (Heritage Places outside the Capital City Zone) of the Local Planning Policy Framework.
Read CRA Objection
* 435-439 Cardigan St – TP-2016-474 24 August 2016
Alterations to existing student accommodation complex. CRA sought a site management plan to address neighbourhood amenity issues.
CoM issued permit addressing CRA concerns.
Read CRA Objection
* 86 – 94 Pelham Street – TP-2015-742 (Cnr Cardigan St) 05 August 2016 VCAT Order
INITIAL APPLICATION: Construction of an 8 storey mixed use development currently 4 storey height limit with significant heritage assets adjoining.
The Applicant has appealed the CoM Refusal. VCAT hearing scheduled for September 2016.
CRA lodged a submission with VCAT and along with CoM took part in the compulsory conference which resulted in a mediated permit being granted.
The building was reduced in height by 1 storey with corner set backs, in deference to the adjacent heritage buildings.
The applicant has subsequently lodged a request to vary the permit conditions.
Read CRA Objection
Read City of Melbourne Refusal to grant permit
Read VCAT Order (Permit) Aug 2016 86-94 Pelham St
* 86-94 Pelham St – TP-2015-742/A (Cnr Cardigan St) 23 December 2015
UPDATE: An application to amend the conditions of a permit issued by VCAT after a mediation conference attended by CoM and CRA in 2016.
It aims to remove the requirement for the negotiated boundary setbacks.
Read CRA Objection.
* 599-605 Swanston St – TP-2016-259 21 June 2016
Construction of a 15 storey student accommodation development. CRA concerns related to the heritage, carparking, loading provisions and net community benefit.
Permit issued, negligible concessions to objections.
Read CRA Objection
* 61-63 Little Palmerston St-TP-2014-953 07 June 2016
Alterations including 3 storey extension to existing dwelling. CoM is assessing the application.
CRA has objected in relation to the bulk of the proposal and heritage issues.
Permit issued.
Read CRA Objection
* 291- 299 Lygon Street/222 – 224 Faraday Street – King & Godfree – TP-2016-188 19 May 2016
This application is for building and works in a Commercial 1 Zone, but it is the change of use which it is designed to accommodate that is CRA’s principal concern. A major roof top restaurant and entertainment venue is proposed, which will accommodate an additional 350 plus patrons, with DJ and amplified music.
CRA attended the VCAT compulsory conference with CoM and 2 other objectors. A mediated outcome resulted in a permit being granted with conditions acceptable to all parties present.
Read CRA Objection
Read VCAT Order- Permit Approval King and Godfree
Read VCAT Order- Amended Permit Approval King and Godfree
* 205 – 223 Pelham St/81 Barry St (Reece Site) – TP-2016-46 31 March 2016
A change of ownership and the acquisition of the adjoining Barry St site has generated a new application for use of the combined sites for student accommodation. CRA considers the new proposal to be even more inappropriate than the one originally approved by VCAT. (TP-2014-59)
The site is within the extended Capital City Zone with the attendant constraints on third party rights.
However, CRA lodged an objection raising concerns including heritage, traffic, unloading, combined with serious internal amenity issues.
CoM issued a permit with small concessions to CRA concerns.
Read CRA Objection
* 122-136 Berkeley Street – TP-2015-1146 15 January 2016
Application for 12 storey development. CRA’s involvement will be constrained due to the subject site falling within the Capital City Zone, however the concerns raised in our objection related to height, lack of on-site loading provisions and the lack of nonresidential on-site car parking.
CoM issued permit, concessions included: reduced height at the east end, creation of a pedestrian through way from front to rear and transfer of ownership of a portion of the site to CoM to facilitate vehicular access in the rear lane.
Read CRA Objection
* 1-23 Rathdowne Street – TP-2015-636 21 December 2015
Change of use from office to Leisure & Recreation – CRA concerns relate to the amenity issue for nearby residents, traffic and car parking.
CoM refused Permit The applicant has appealed to VCAT.
Subsequently the applicant withdrew the application to be heard at VCAT.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM refusal to grant a permit
* 558-568 Swanston Street – TP-2015-1057 23 November 2015
17 storey mixed use development proposed for a site with a preferred maximum height of 9 storeys.
The applicant has taken the CoM to VCAT for failure to make a decision within the prescribed time.
CRA was represented for the full 7 days of this VCAT hearing, the outcome of which is still awaited.
VCAT issued permit with minor concessions to CRA concerns.
Read CRA Objection
* 4-12 Leicester Place TP-2015-983 29 October 2015
Construction of 20 storey mixed use development on an extremely restricted site accessed by narrow laneways.
Applicant has taken CoM to VCAT for not making a decision within the statutory period.
CRA has objected but has been excluded due to C196.
VCAT upheld CoM decision. Permit refused.
Read CRA Objectiion
* 66-68 Lygon Street – Downtowner – VCAT Appeal – TP-2014-734 1 September 2015
Great News: Council refusal to grant a permit is upheld by VCAT!!
Carlton Residents Association believes that this proposal, resulting in a 17 storey building on a site with a preferred height control of 8 storeys is inappropriate. If
approved, this will create a precedent for the low scale south eastern corner of Carlton.
CRA objects for the following reasons:
• The scale, height and bulk are all excessive
• Current planning controls are ignored
• The development is inappropriate within proximity of the Royal Exhibition Building
• The adjacent heritage graded buildings at 53-63 Queensberry Street would be degraded
• The internal amenity of some apartments is substandard
Read CRA Advice to Objectors
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Refusal to Grant permit
Read CRA VCAT Submission
Read VCAT submission supporting documents
Read VCAT Decision
* 101-103 Drummond Street – TP-2015-384 11 August 2015
To develop and use the premises for student accommodation
CRA requested appropriate site management controls.
CoM issued a Notice of Determination to grant a permit with conditions addressing CRA’s concerns.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to Grant a Permit
*79-87 Canning St – TP-2015-694 5 August 2015
Demolish existing building and construct 8 new townhouses
CRA concerns were: overlooking, overshadowing, heritage and set back issues.
CoM issued NOD to grant a permit with conditions partially addressing CRA concerns. CRA will not be appealing the CoM decision.
CoM issued permit
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to grant permit
* 391-395 Rathdowne Street TP-2015-583 6 July 2015
Ground floor commercial with 4 levels of residential. CoM has issued NOD to approve this revised proposal, which is one storey lower, with a different facade treatment. This addresses CRA’s main concerns. CRA does not anticipate any further action.
The applicant has appealed the conditions imposed by the CoM permit. VCAT hearing will review. CRA does not intend to participate.
A mediated permit was issued at VCAT, with a relaxation of some of the original conditions imposed. The principal gains were the removal of one storey from the original submission and alternative facade treatment.
Read CoM Permit conditions here
* 701-703 Swanston Street – TP-2013-337/A 1 June 2015
Seeking to amend previous permit conditions to allow playing amplified music on rooftop.
CRA concerned by potential amenity issues for surrounding residents.
City of Melbourne issued NOD to grant a permit with conditions generally addressing CRA’s concerns
CoM approval has been appealed resulting in a VCAT hearing
A subsequent appeal to VCAT has been withdrawn and a permit issued.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to grant permit
* Challis Lane – proposal to name lane
Click here for diagram and information
* 41 Macarthur Place South – TP-2014-1013 26 May 2015
Concerns regarding height and bulk. Heritage report requested.
Permit issued – revised application generally addressed CRA’s concerns.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to Grant a Permit
* 23-31 Lincoln Square South – TP-2015-440 25 May 2015
More Great News: Council refusal of permit is upheld by VCAT!
Hearing complete. VCAT upheld CoM refusal to grant permit
Applicant lodged VCAT appeal based on CoM failure to issue a decision within the prescribed time and has lodged amended drawings reducing the number of storeys to 15.
VCAT upheld CoM decision. Permit Refused
Read CRA objection
* 176-178 Canning Street – TP-2015-295 13 May 2015
2 Storey extension to existing dwelling.
CRA’s concerns relate to over shadowing of adjoining open space
Permit granted.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Notice of Determination to Grant a Permit
* 100-102 Bouverie Street – TP-2015-273 13 May 2015
VCAT Appeal February 2016
Applicant lodged the appeal based on CoM failure to issue a decision within the prescribed time,
CRA excluded from VCAT hearing as a consequence of the recent gazettal of Amendment C196
Permit granted
Read CRA Objection
* 193-197 Nicholson Street – Fernwood Gymnasium – TP-1998-476/A 29 April 2015
Permit issued, CRA and objector concerns largely addressed by the permit conditiions.
Read CoM permit conditions
Read CRA Objection
* 53-63 Queensberry Street – TP-2014-399 12 January 2015
Romanian Orthodox Church
Application to create permanent vehicular access to Church front garden.
CRA has heritage concerns
CoM refused application.
Applicant has appealed to VCAT.
June 2016 – Mixed ruling by VCAT: Minor building works approved, CoM Heritage Decision Upheld
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Refusal to Grant Permit
* 205-223 Pelham Street – Reece Plumbing – TP-2014-59 – 16 May 2014
Hearing complete – VCAT decision was to grant a permit
Construction of a 15 storey building for the purpose of dwellings and a ground floor shop and waiver of car parking and loading requirements for the shop.
Read CRA Objection
Read CoM Refusal to Grant a Permit
Read CRA Statement of Grounds for VCAT
* 15 – 31 Pelham St Carlton – TP-2013-630 – 10 October 2013
Carlton Residents Association believes that this proposal, resulting in an 8 storey building, is inappropriate for the following reasons:
- The scale, height and bulk are all excessive
- It is inappropriate within the Royal Exhibition Building World Heritage Buffer zone
- It degrades the adjacent heritage listed buildings at 31-35 Pelham Street and 150 Drummond St
- The highly graded heritage streetscapes of Drummond, Rathdowne and Pelham Streets will be severely impacted
- The amenity of the existing dwellings in the two residential buildings at 121 and 125 –139 Rathdowne Street will be severely diminished
Read CRA Objection
Read CRA Submission to VCAT
The City of Melbourne’s ‘Refusal to Grant a Permit’ was upheld by VCAT at the November 2014 hearing
Read VCAT Decision