Newsflash Latest Edition!

The CRA newsletter contains in depth news and information about the activities of the Carlton Residents Association.
Hard copies of the CRA Newsflash are available at the Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre (KSLCC)
Winter 2008
eddington report
CRA Transport and Traffic Reference Group members have been digesting contents of the Eddington Report and attending meetings and information sessions to gain insights into its implications for Carlton and beyond.
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help save la mama
Directors of the heritage listed Carlton icon, La Mama theatre signed a deal to purchase the building for $1.7 million, with only days to raise the $170 000 deposit. Around 400 individuals, families and businesses contributed this deposit with a 90 day settlement arrangement to raise the balance. Now, the La Mama Trust is seeking support from Government and City Council, as well as from corporate and philanthropic sources and the community, to raise the necessary funds.
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lygon street 40kph speed zone
In a media release on 16 May 08 (the same day as a fatal road accident in Lygon St, just north of Elgin St), the Minister for Roads and Ports, Hon Tim Pallas, announced the long awaited 40kph speed zone for Lygon St, between Elgin and Victoria Streets.
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melbourne 2030 audit
Vale Doug Fullerton
horn of africa cross cultural forums
On the Carlton Housing Estate, over one third of the residents are from the Horn of Africa. Recently, two cross-cultural forums were held, to provide information about the Horn of Africa community – their traditions, customs and issues affecting them.
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Police, Community Consultative (PCCC)
A variety of issues are discussed at the monthly Police, Community Consultative Committee (PCCC) meetings. Current issues include:
Driver Education programs, by-laws regarding alcohol consumption in the CBD, street begging, homelessness. As well, a range of programs are planned.
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CRA Dinner
An enjoyable dinner was held in May at Cafe Italia, with the guest speaker being Senior Sergeant Frank Sells from the Carlton Police Station. Another dinner with guest speaker is being planned for Monday 18 August at DiMattina’s.
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planning report
At the beginning of each month, the CRA’s planning sub-committee meets to consider the previous month’s planning applications for the 3053 postcode area.
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streetscape greening
The City of Melbourne is to be congratulated for approving streetscape improvements in Faraday and Cardigan Streets in its proposed 2008/9 Annual Budget
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Silencing of Dr Paul Mees
update on kathleen syme centre
Negotiations continue on the CRA’s goal to acquire the Kathleen Syme Centre for community purposes in Carlton.
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vale: doug fullerton
Rev Dr Doug Fullerton lost his long battle with cancer o Friday 18 April, the day before his 90th birthday.
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positions vacant
Volunteer positions exist for enthusiastic and interested people to help on the CRA Reference Groups. An ‘understudy’ treasurer and secretary are also required.
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- Newsflash December 2003
- Special Newsflash for November 2003 (Becton Decision)
- Newsflash September 2003 (PDF File)
- Newsflash August 2003
- Newsflash June 2003
- Newsflash April 2003
- Newsflash February 2003 ,
- Newsflash January 2003
- Extra Newsflash for December 2002 – Decision on amendment C20 (Height Limits)
- Newsflash December 2002